The Porter Family farms 900 acres of land in Lower Onslow and surrounding areas. They have 220 dairy cows, of which 85 are milking. The cows are mostly Holsteins but include Jerseys and Brown Swiss too. The land is used to grow grass forages, corn and barley which are used to feed the cows.
The farm was started in 1955 by brothers Donald and Arthur. It was originally called Porter Brothers Farm but is now called Belcher Holsteins Ltd. Donald’ son Alan and his wife took over the farm about 20 years ago and they now farm with their son Ryan. Ryan is one of five children. The Porters love working with animals, each other, and being involved in an industry that gives back.
The Porter Family was awarded a Master Breeder shield from Holstein Canada in 1991. Awarded by Holstein Canada, The Master Breeder Award is the most prolific accolade awarded by the Association. Ryan is working to continue this legacy with Alan and would love to achieve another shield.